City of Buda Municipal Complex Opens
On Saturday, August 25, the City of Buda welcomed the entire community for festivities celebrating the official opening of its new Municipal Complex. Pagers Michael Mace, Jonathan Sylvie and Talmadge Smith were all in attendance for the event where Pager Ginny Chilton spoke about the design process and how proud we are of the project.
The celebration kicked off with congratulatory remarks from public officials noting the success of the project and the value the new Municipal Complex will offer the community.
Ginny emphasizes how the design speaks to the nature of the city and its desire to have an open and transparent local government. “The building supports the government’s focus on public service and its desire to engage and hear from the community,” she says. “There’s no other building like it, because every design decision was inspired by the unique setting and the people of Buda.”
Talmadge concurs, “We really sought to create an iconic gateway for the community. Beautiful oak trees are a welcoming landmark for the city and our buildings needed to be sympathetic to the grandeur of the trees,” he says. “The design is direct result of the community’s vision. It was a wonderful project: a really great site with a lot of challenges including the trees, water, limited area and high visibility. We were able to balance these elements and design a central node for the community to come together. The buildings feel as though they grew from the site.”
For a full description of the project click here.
Page provided architecture, interiors, planning, programming, MEP engineering and landscape architecture for the complex. Dewberry was our partner on the library.
We worked in collaboration with Lopez Salas Architects and CNG Engineering on the Police Station and Parks Maintenance building. Both Lopez Salas Architects and CNG Engineering are protégé firms of Page.
We are currently serving as a mentor in five mentor-protege relationships as an effort to formalize our commitment to facilitate the growth and development of small and disadvantaged businesses. These relationships are sponsored by various state and local entities including The University of Texas System and Travis County, Texas.
Other partners on the City of Buda Muncipal Complex included Datum Rios, Datacom Technology, Doucet & Associates and JEDunn Construction.
- Lon Calvert
- Ginny Chilton
- Jamie Flatt
- Bill Huie
- Andrew Sullivan
- Megan McCoy
- Freddy Padilla
- Jonathan Schwartz
- Talmadge Smith
- Jonathan Sylvie
- Erin West
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