Top row: (left to right): Ciro Monteverde, Andrew Speer, Matthew Horn, Bonnie Burns, Abi Brown, Yamen Hama, Saul Zapata and Floyd Stoutt

Page Design “Fore” Canstruction Wins Honorable Mention
Who doesn’t love to play with their food – even just a little? Page and other architecture firms in the DC area got to play a lot with food (cans) as part of the 2014 Canstruction event presented by the Washington Architectural Foundation. The theme of this year’s design competition, which was held in the soaring atrium of the National Building Museum, was “Play With Your Food.” The 28 participating teams were challenged to recreate larger versions of classic toys and games in recognition of the architectural toy collection of the National Building Museum.
The Page team earned an Honorable Mention with their “Mini Golf Course” sculpture. Using more than 1,100 canned food items, the team created a sculpture that is fun, dynamic and healthy. The team chose the cans not only to create a colorful setting but also for the nutritional benefits of the food. The Mini Golf Course will definitely benefit the community when the sculpture is deCANstructed and the cans are donated to the Capital Area Food Bank.
Ana Garcia Bilbao was the leader of the Page team which included Andrew Speer, Floyd Stoutt, Javier Rodriguez and Saul Zapata, along with additional support from Bonnie Burns, Ciro Monteverde, Erin Leonetti, Holly Taubman, Jameson Terry, Jessica Baralt, Katie Woods and Michelle Levine.
- Michelle Levine
- Ciro Monteverde
- Javier Rodriguez
- Floyd Stoutt
- Holly Taubman
- Jameson Terry
- Saul Zapata Jr.
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