Taylor Hawley

Taylor Hawley



Taylor Hawley has had several career opportunities that have deeply influenced his current design thinking. He participated in a study abroad program in Istanbul that focused on understanding how history and culture influence current designs, then applied their learnings to a significant civic transportation project. Most recently, he worked on a repurpose project that converted a large, industrial building into a homeless shelter that helped him realize he and his colleagues are positioned to develop solutions to social problems.

A former competitive snowboarder, Taylor knows the meaning of commitment, learned from training and competition as well as recovery from serious injuries. This serves him well in the face of unexpected project developments or shifting parameters. Currently, Taylor is devoting most of his free time to studying for the rigorous series of architectural examinations that will grant him licensure.

After graduation, Taylor seized an opportunity to develop his design skillset and gain influential experience in the Pacific Northwest for several years. When he returned to Colorado, he chose to live in urban downtown Denver, where he plays a role in a neighborhood organization that decides the future of development in the community. He also enjoys the direct access to snowboarding trails, golf courses and direct flights to multiple travel destinations.
