Landscape Architecture

With a focus on innovative, high quality design, our approach to landscape architecture begins at project inception. Investigating the intersections of the natural environment and cultural processes provides a rich opportunity to reveal their interrelationships.

Landscape architecture encompasses a holistic design of the physical environment, exploring the project context and interface of building and landscape to foster lasting connections to the place in which a project resides. Our projects range from large-scale landscape master planning to the design and implementation of parks and plazas to intimate “people spaces.”

We ensure that beautiful design and environmentally sensitive creations of place contribute to healthy and prosperous environments. An integrated relationship with the surrounding environment underlies our process in which we provide inventive, sustainable landscape design solutions that create a sense of place and speak to an existing site, its history and the local vernacular.

Creating a Sense of Place

At Page, our landscape architects create distinctive and functional spaces which engage people where they live, work and play. We integrate sustainable approaches to preserve natural landscape amenities that cultivate a connection to the environment. Our objective is to create human-scaled experiences, regardless of project size or type.


Ensuring sustainability, flexibility and resilience are critical considerations and required outcomes in the planning and design of landscapes. We work with clients to integrate these essentials into long-range planning, design and operations, addressing a full range of topics including land use, transportation, energy, water, carbon, materials and waste. Our approach aggressively promotes goals such as triple net zero, carbon neutrality and sustainable operations through enhanced, integrated site and building design, multimodal access and green site infrastructure systems.

Working to Create a Sum Greater Than Its Parts

The best projects result from a multi-disciplinary approach in which all disciplines work together as a team from the first phases of a project through completion. Page’s landscape architects collaborate with our urban designers, planners, architects and engineers to bring a unified, cohesive and realistic vision to each of our projects.